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Research Staff

Rafal Chomik
Rafal Chomik

BCom DipModLang UWA; MSc Econ London Met 

Senior Research Fellow, UNSW Sydney 

Research stream: Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Dr Daniel Dinale

BCom, The University of Sydney; BCom (Hons), The University of Sydney Business School; PhD, The University of Sydney Business School

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Work and Organisational Studies, University of Sydney
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, CEPAR

Research streams: Organisations and the mature workforce; sustainable wellbeing in later life

Keywords: female employment, fertility, gender role attitudes, social policy, unpaid care

Dr Mitiku Hambisa

BSC. Public Health, Jimma University, Ethiopia; MPH in Epidemiology, Addis Ababa University Ethiopia; Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching, Haramaya University, Ethiopia; PhD, Clinical Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, University of Newcastle 

Senior Research Associate, UNSW Sydney

Research Stream: Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing

Alex Heron
Dr Alexandra Heron

BA (Hons) University of Oxford; Solicitors' Professional Examinations (England and Wales); GradDip (Law) ANU

Research Associate, Women and Work Research Group, and Doctoral Candidate, Business School, University of Sydney

Research stream: Organisations and the Mature Workforce

Meimanat Chavoshi
Dr Meimanat Hosseini Chavoshi

BS Public Health Isfahan University; MA PhD Australian National University

Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, CEPAR

Research stream: Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

Dr Yue Hua

BEc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; PhD, The University of Minnesota, USA

Research Fellow, UNSW Business School, University of New South Wales

Research stream: Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

George Kudrna
Dr George Kudrna

MA Economics, TUL Czech Republic; PhD Economics, The University of Sydney

Senior Research Fellow, University of New South Wales

Research stream: Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

Keywords: Social Security, Means Tested Pensions, Superannuation, Taxation, Fiscal Policy, Macroeconomic Impacts of Population Ageing

Dr Yvonne Leung

BA (2008), BA(Hons, 2010), MA (2013), PhD (2017) Psychology, MARCS Institute, WSU

Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Psychology

Keywords: Population ageing, age expectations, cognitive impairment, dementia

Dr. Xiangling Liu

B.S., Engineering, Surveying and Mapping, CUMT

M.A. Management, Management Science and Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (CUMT)

PhD, Economics, the University of New South Wales, Australia

Research Fellow, School of Economics, UNSW Sydney 

Research streams: Decision making, expectations and cognitive ageing; macro-demographic dynamics and population ageing policy; sustainable wellbeing in later life

Dr Hanlin Lou

BSc Economics, Heilongjiang University, MS Applied Econometrics, Monash University, PhD Economics, University of Technology Sydney 

Research Fellow, UNSW Sydney

Research stream: Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Research Interests: Behavioural Economics, Behavioural Financial Economics and Applied Econometrics


Bei Lu
Dr Bei Lu

MBA University of South Australia; PhD Economics UNSW

Senior Research Fellow, UNSW Sydney

Research stream: Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Keywords: Pension; Retirement; Long-Term Care; Health Life Expectancy; China

Professor Philip O'Keefe

BA (Hons.) and LLB (University of Sydney); MSc (Oxford University); LLM (London School of Economics)

Primary affiliation: Professor of Practice, UNSW Business School, Sydney; Director of the Ageing Asia Research Hub, ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research (CEPAR)

Dr. Akshay Shanker

Bachelor of Economics (Social Science), University of Sydney; Master of Economics, University of New South Wales; PhD (Economics), Australian National University (ANU)

Research Fellow, School of Economics, The University of New South Wales

Research stream: Guiding financial decision making

Image of Dr Jeromey Temple
Professor Jeromey Temple

BA Population Studies (Hons), BCom PhD (Demography) ANU

Professor of Economic Demography, Centre for Health Policy, University of Melbourne

Research stream: Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

Keywords: Demographic Methods; Economic Demography; Intergenerational Accounting; Population Ageing; Discrimination and Inequalities in Later Life