
Explore our comprehensive list of news articles and commentary published in 2011.
- Excellence in research for Australia threat to policy debate - Peter McDonald in The Australia 25 May 2011
- Population expansion is unstated focus of Swan's budget - Peter McDonald featured in The Australian 14 May 2011
- Drop in house prices - A warning to retirees - Michael Sherris featured in Senior AU 3 May 2011
- For boomers, the r-word has changed to reality - Hal Kendig featured in The Sydney Morning Herald 18 June 2011
- Birth of a new generation: The alphas - Peter McDonald featured in The Sunday Telegraph 12 June 2011
- Let Dick have his say but case for growth is overwhelming - Peter McDonald featured in The Australian 2 June 2011
- The ghost of Thomas Malthus hovers over unsustainable global population increases - Peter McDonald in The Weekend Australian 2 July 2011
- What the Caring for Older Australians Report Means For the Future of Aged Care - 12 August 2011
- Why a big family has become a luxury item - Peter McDonald featured in The Sunday Telegraph 14 August 2011
- Friday Panel: Aged Care. - ABC Radio National Breakfast 12 August 2011
- Upside of Downsizing - Hal Kendig feature in Science Magazine 7 August 2011
- Unsafe, Uneven Footpaths Are An Age-old Problem - 29 October 2011
- 7 billion - The Structure of the Population is the Problem, Not Size - 20 October 2011
- Revolt grows over Labor's mining tax - John Piggott featured in The Australian Financial Review 23 November 2011
- CEPAR Study Warns of House Price Volatility - Michael Sherris in the Financial Review 7 December 2011
- Demographics will force a shift to positive ageing - Hal Kendig featured in Aged Care Insight December 2011