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Research Students

Sue Markham

MSc (Research), UNSW

BASc (Phty), University of Sydney

PhD Student, School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney

Supervisor: A/Prof Kate O’Loughlin

Co-Supervisors: Prof Lindy Clemson, Dr Justin McNab

Thesis Topic: Facilitators and barriers to clinical trial recruitment and retention of older people: a mixed methods study

HOANG (Victoria) Bang Chau Nguyen

BEc Honours, The University of Queensland

PhD Student, The University of Sydney Business School

Supervisor: Professor Susan Thorp

Co-Supervisor: Associate Professor Jingyu Yang

Thesis Title: Machine learning tools for variable annuity portfolio management

James Rice

Bachelor of Arts (Honours), Monash University

PhD Student, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne

Supervisors: Associate Professor Jeromey Temple and Associate Professor Peter McDonald

Thesis Topic: Extensions to the Australian National Transfer Accounts

Tianyu Shen

MA, Social Research, ANU

PhD student, School of demography, ANU

Supervisor: Dr Collin Payne

Co-Supervisors: Professor Vladimir Canudas Romo and Dr Alyson van Raalte

Thesis Topic: Living Longer and Healthier? An Advancement of Methodology and Understanding on Health Expectancy


Gayani Kaushika Thalagoda

B.Sc. Statistics (Special), University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka. (First Class Hons.)

M.Sc. Actuarial Science, University of Calgary, Canada

PhD student, Risk and Actuarial Studies, Business School, University of New South Wales

Supervisor: Dr. Jonathan Ziveyi

Co-Supervisor: Andres Villegas Ramirez

Thesis Topic: Longevity Risk Measurement and Management

Yawei Wang

Master of Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney.

Bachelor of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Master of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney

Supervisors: A/Professor Yang Shen and A/Professor Jonathan Ziveyi

Co-Supervisor: Professor Michael Sherris

Thesis Topic: A unified Markov chain Monte Carlo framework for valuation and assessment of retirement income products

Jiamin Yan

MSc in Insurance, Central University of Finance and Economics in China; B.A. Information and Computer Science from Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE); BSc in information and Computer Science – Central University of Finance and Economics in China

PhD Student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW business school

Supervisor: Prof Hazel Bateman

Co-Supervisor: Dr Katja Hanewald

Xingying Yu

M.Sc (Distinction), B.A (Hons 1 with distinction)

PhD Student, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Business School

Supervisors: A/Professor Yang Shen and A/Professor Jonathan Ziveyi

Co-Supervisors: Dr Kyu Hyung Park and Professor Michael Sherris

Thesis Topic: Joint health transition models and its application in pricing shared LTCI

Yuchen Xie

BA in health promotion (Minor in Psychology), University of Iowa, USA; MSc in Public Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA

Supervisors: Professor Kaarin Anstey, Associate Professor Myra Hamilton, Professor Carmelle Peisah and Dr Craig Sinclair

Thesis title: Navigating aged care services for older Australians and their families

Eva Zellman

MSAP, University of Canterbury, New Zealand; BSc(Psych), University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

PhD Student, Business School, Future of Work Institute, Curtin University

Supervisors: Dr Daniela Andrei and Professor Sharon Parker

Thesis Topic: The Role of Leadership in Managing an Aging and Age Diverse Workforce


Yuxin Zhou

B.Act.Studies (Honours 1), Master of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies

PhD Student, UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney

Supervisors: Professor Michael Sherris and A/Professor Yang Shen

Co-supervisors: A/Professor Jonathan Ziveyi and Dr Len Partick Garces

Thesis Topic: Age-dependent Multi-cohort Affine Mortality Model and Mutual Mortality Pooling Products

Shally Zhou

Bachelor of Science (Advanced), (Honours 1) UNSW; 1 pub

PhD Student, School of Psychology, University of New South Wales

Supervisor: Professor Kaarin Anstey

Co-supervisors: Dr Susanne Schweizer, Dr Brooke Brady, Dr Lidan Zheng

Thesis Topic: Understanding short-term variability in multidimensional subjective age, health and cognition

Marie-Celine Chery

GradDip; GDPsych, The University of New South Wales

Honours Student, Faculty of Science, School of Psychology, UNSW

Supervisor: Dr. Craig Sinclair

Thesis Topic: The Role of Trait Anxiety in Decisional Conflict Experienced by Older Adults in Decision Making About Future Care and Medical Treatments

Tabitha Scott

BA, Australian National University

Honours Student, Crawford School of Public Policy ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, ANU

Supervisors: Professor Vladimir Canudas-Romo and Associate Professor Collin Payne 

Thesis Topic: Decomposing Demographic Measures of Ageing