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Working Papers

Pensioners enjoying a stroll

Shang Wu, Hazel Bateman, Ralph Stevens and Susan Thorp

We investigate whether a life care annuity - the integration of a life annuity with long-term care insurance (LTCI) - can enhance insurance participation to mitigate the economic puzzle of under- insurance in the longevity insurance and LTCI markets. Using an online choice experiment, we elicit individuals' preferences for consumption in different health conditions and their demand for a life care annuity and its health-contingent income feature. 

Data graphs

Michael Sherris, Yajing Xu and Jonathan Ziveyi

Multi-country risk management of longevity risk provides new opportunities to hedge mortality and interest rate risks in guaranteed lifetime income streams. This requires consideration of both interest rate and mortality risks in multiple countries. For this purpose, we develop value-based longevity indexes for multiple cohorts in two different countries that take into account the major sources of risks impacting life insurance portfolios, mortality and interest rates.

Keane Mike

Michael P Keane and Ramna Thakur

India has a high level of out-of-pocket (OOP) health care spending, and lacks well developed health insurance markets. As a result, official measures of poverty and inequality that treat medical spending symmetrically with consumption goods can be misleading. We argue that OOP medical costs should be treated as necessary expenses for the treatment of illness, not as part of consumption. Adopting this perspective, we construct poverty and inequality measures for India that account for impoverishment induced by OOP medical costs. For 2011/12 we estimate that 4.1% of the population, or 50 million people, are in a state of “hidden poverty” due to medical expenses. Furthermore, while poverty in India fell substantially from 1999/00 to 2011/12, the fraction of the remaining poverty that is due to medical costs has risen substantially. Economic growth appears less “pro-poor” if one accounts for OOP medical costs, especially since 2004/05, and especially in rural areas.

Cepar - Retirement Decisions

Susan Thorp, Hazel Bateman, Isabella Dobrescu, Ben R. Newell, and Andreas Ortmann

Simplified disclosures can make comparisons between complex financial products easier, and increase consumer expertise. We use incentivized experiments to investigate whether and to what extent simpler information on fees and investment returns assists retirement plan members to make competent choices.


Woman offering aged care support

Jennifer Alonso-García, Hazel Bateman, Johan Bonekamp, and Ralph Stevens

Implied endorsement is considered, together with inertia, as an explanation for the stickiness of defaults. This paper explores whether implied endorsement can serve as an explanation for the stickiness of defaults in the retirement decumulation phase.

Elderly couple researching pension options

Jennifer Alonso-García, Hazel Bateman, Johan Bonekamp, Arthur van Soest and Ralph Stevens

Using an online experimental survey, we investigate the importance of rational and psychological motives for saving in retirement for soon to be retired individuals.

Researchers examining data online

Robert Holzmann, Jennifer Alonso-García, Heloise Labit-Hardy, and Andrés M. Villegas

This paper explores five key mechanisms of compensation: individualized annuities; individualized contribution rates/account allocations; a two-tier contribution structure with socialized and individual rate structure; and two supplementary approaches under the two-tier approach to deal with the income distribution tails, and the distortions above a ceiling and below a floor.

Colleagues discussing ageing research

Ermanno Pitacco

These Lecture Notes aim at introducing technical and financial aspects of the life annuity products, with a special emphasis on the actuarial valuation of life annuity benefits. 

Aged care support

Elena Capatina, Michael Keane, and Shiko Maruyama

In the US healthcare system, patients of different socio-economic status (SES) often receive disparate treatment for similar conditions. Prior work documents this phenomenon for particular treatments/conditions, but we take a system-wide view and examine socio-economic disparities in spending for all medical conditions at the 3-digit ICD-9 level.