
Explore our comprehensive list of news articles and commentary published in 2012.
- Michael Sherris: House Price Risk: What's Driving Property Values - BusinessThink 31 January 2012
- CEPAR Study on House Price Volatility - Michael Sherris in the Sydney Morning Herald 11 February 2012
- QANTAS Receives Praise for its Treatment of Older Workers - 7 February 2012
- Acquisitions boost profit for QBE, IAG - Michael Sherris featured in Best Week Asia Pacific 7 February 2012
- Blueprint for wealth - Michael Sherris featured in The Sydney Morning Herald 1 February 2012
- The Budget Blow-out: Why the Environment Will Win Over Aged Care - BusinessThink 29 March 2012
- Professor Lindy Clemson selected as the ageing expert in a special report - The Daily Telegraph 27 March 2012
- Hitting the books to be older and wise - Kaarin Anstey featured in The Adelaide Advertiser 27 March 2012
- Knowledge at the Australian School of Business article on the impact of the GFC on the mental health of older Australians - BusinessThink 20 March 2012
- How Will the Super Changes Affect You - John Piggott on 6PR Radio 20 March 2012
- Knowledge at the Australian School of Business Article: How to Turnaround Attitudes to Older Australians - BusinessThink 5 March 2012
- An age-old debate - Michael Sherris featured in The Wall Street Journal Blog 2 March 2012
- Tax Fiddle Risks Entire Pension System - John Piggott in the Australian Financial Review 30 April 2012
- Moving in the Right Direction for Better Aged Care: Hal Kendig Assesses Aged Care Reform - 25 April 2012
- Michael Sherris: House Price Bust: Why Talk of a Bubble Won't Wash - BusinessThink 18 April 2012
- Skills Shortage: How Migrants and Older Workers Equal a Solution - BusinessThink 17 April 2012
- John Piggott on ABC Radio PM Program: IMF Calls on Governments to Lift Pension Age - 12 April 2012
- Professor Michael Sherris Comments on Singapore's Retirement Scheme - 12 April 2012
- People Poorly Informed on Retirement Choices - 9 April 2012
- A Super Solution to Some Giant Needs: Using superannuation to fund infrastructure projects - 7 April 2012
- Healthy ageing, happy life: Lessons from China - Colette Browning in The Conversation 7 April 2012
- Enterprise migration agreements - Why won't Australians do the work? - Peter McDonald in The Conversation 30 May 2012
- Property Plans Built on Sand. Michael Sherris on the impact of volatile house prices on retirement plans - 14 May 2012
- SMEs in the Demographic Age. Michael Sherris in the SMH - Small Businesses Need to Adjust to the Ageing Population - 9 May 2012
- ABC Radio Panel on Aged Care Reform With Ageing Minister - Mark Butler and CEPAR Chief Investigator Hal Kendig 4 May 2012
- Hal Kendig interviewed for European Healthy Life - Report Produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit May 2012
- Census Data: Read CEPAR's Analysis - 27 June 2012
- Professor Hal Kendig Comments on the NSW Government's New Ageing Strategy - 10 July 2012
- It's time to redefine the traditional working age - Rafal Chomik in The Conversation 28 September 2012
- Don't Fiddle with Super - Professor John Piggott Comments in the Australian Financial Review 10 September 2012
- Plenty of pluses in a longer working life - John Piggott in The Australian Financial Review 10 September 2012