Over 140 researchers, policymakers and industry professionals particpated in the CEPAR International Conference, which took place at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) on 3-5 July 2023.
Themed ‘Population Ageing: Causes, Consequences and Responses’, the conference provided a unique platform for multidisciplinary discussions and insights into the challenges and opportunities presented by one of the major economic and social challenges of the 21st century. Participants from around the world shared the latest research and policy and industry perspectives on the dynamics of an ageing demographic.
The conference was co-opened by CEPAR Director Scientia Professor John Piggott AO; the Australian Research Council's Executive Director of Social, Behavioural and Economics Sciences, Professor Anika Gauja; the UNSW Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Enterprise), Professor Nicholas Fisk AM; and the 2023 Senior Australian of the Year and UC Chancellor, Professor Tom Calma AO who spoke on the progress made since the Aged Care Royal Commission.
Other key conference program highlights included:
- Over 60 oral and poster presentations on population ageing research from relevant fields, including actuarial science, demography, economics, epidemiology, finance, organisation and management, psychology, sociology, and more
- Four engaging keynote sessions by internationally renowned researchers who delivered thought-provoking keynote presentations on various aspects of population ageing and its consequences:
- Professor Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz (Vienna University of Technology, Austrian Academy of Sciences) presented on The Role of Private and Public Transfers to Sustain the Generational Economy: An Application of National Transfer Accounts (NTA) in an Ageing Europe
- Professor Duke Han (University of Southern California) spoke on Financial Decision Making in Older Age
- Professor Mo Wang (University of Florida) explored the question whether Retirement Is a Curse or a Blessing: Work and Retirement Pathways Matter
- A/Professor Norma Coe (University of Pennsylvania) presented The Economic Evidence: To Have or Not to Have Long-Term Care Insurance
- A talk on the future of work by CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Sharon Parker at the conference dinner
- Three interactive panel discussions, featuring experts from academia, industry, government and the community, who offered perspectives on the following topics:
- Migration policy for Australia in the context of population ageing;
- Macroeconomic risk and demographic change; and
- Feminising and ageing workforce and the implications for research, policy and practice.
Video recording of the panel session on Migration Policy for Australia in the Context of Population Ageing, with Peter McDonald (CEPAR, University of Melbourne), Abul Rizvi (former Deputy Secretary of the Department of Immigration), and Trent Wiltshire (Immigration and Housing Expert, The Grattan Institute):
Video recording of the panel session on Macroeconomic Risk and Demographic Change, with Mike Keane (CEPAR, UNSW Sydney), Ayhan Kose (Vice President, World Bank), Adam Triggs (Partner, Mandala, Non-resident Fellow, Brookings Institution and the ANU Crawford School), and Warwick McKibbin (CEPAR Chief Investigator, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis (CAMA), Australian National University):
Video recording of the panel session on Feminising and Ageing Workforce, with Marian Baird (CEPAR, University of Sydney), Virpi Timonen (Professor of Social and Health Services Research and Leadership, Professor, Social Policy, University of Helsinki), Tim Johnson (Assistant Secretary - Care and Support Economy Taskforce, Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet), Myra Hamilton (CEPAR Principal Research Fellow, Associate Professor, University of Sydney), and Alexandra Heron (CEPAR Associate Investigator, University of Sydney)
To view the complete program, including all abstracts and speaker bios, download the program booklet here.
CEPAR International Conference impressions: