Dr Kim Kiely, CEPAR Associate Investigator at UNSW Sydney, was awarded a Dementia Australia Research Foundation Project Grant by Dementia Australia. Dr Kiely will use the funding for a pilot study into hearing-related neurocognitive impairment.
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The Australian Psychological Society (APS) recognised Scientia Professor Kaarin Anstey, CEPAR Co-Deputy Director, with the 2018 APS Distinguished Contribution to Psychological Science Award.

Having two or more non-communicable diseases (multimorbidity) costs the country more than the sum of those individual diseases would cost, according to a recent study published in PLOS Medicine by CEPAR Chief Investigator Professor Philip Clarke and colleagues.

The Productivity Commission report into superannuation was publicly released in January. CEPAR Associate Investigator Susan Thorp, Professor of Finance at the University of Sydney, gives in this The Conversation article an overview of some of the report recommendations and argues why there is a need for good defaults.

CEPAR has published a new fact sheet – aged care policy, provision, and prospects – providing an overview of recent changes in aged care policy, industry, and labour force in Australia.

CEPAR Director and UNSW Scientia Professor of Economics John Piggott has been selected to lead a task force helping G20 nations decide how they will cope with aging populations.

UNSW Sydney has appointed CEPAR Co-Deputy Director Kaarin Anstey as Scientia Professor, a special category of Professor that recognises outstanding research performance. CEPAR currently has three Scientia Professors with Kaarin Anstey now joining Scientia Professors John Piggott and Alan Woodland.

CEPAR researchers Professor Kaarin Anstey, Dr Kim Kiely, Professor Carol Jagger and Professor Robert Cumming secured funding in the leatest round of ARC Discovery Projects grants.