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Research Publications

Can a Tailored Exercise and Home Hazard Reduction Program Reduce the Rate of Falls in Community Dwelling Older People with Cognitive Impairment: Protocol Paper for the i-FOCIS Randomised Controlled Trial

Close, J., Wesson, J., Sherrington, C., Hill, K., Kurrle, S., Lord, S., Brodaty, H., Howard, K., Gitlin, L., ORourke, S. and Clemson, L. (2014). BMC Geriatrics, 14(1). 

Blood Pressure, Brain Structure and Cognition: Opposite Associations in Men and Women

Cherbuin, N., Mortby, E.M., Janke, A.L., Sachdev, P.S., Abhayaratna, W.P. and Anstey, K.J. (2014). American Journal of Hypertension.

'Better for Others than for Me': A Belief that Should Shape Our Efforts to Promote Participation in Falls Prevention Strategies

Haines,T., Day, LM., Hill, K., Clemson, L. and Finch, C. (2014). Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59(1), 136-144.

Unpacking the Evidence: Interventions for Reducing Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms in People with Dementia

Laver, K., Clemson, L., Bennett, S., Lannin Marshman, N.A. and Brodarty, H. (2014). Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 32(4), 1-16. 

Trade-Offs in Means Tested Pension Design

Tran, C. and Woodland, A. (2014). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 47, 72-93. 

Optimal Investment-Reinsurance with Delay for Mean-Variance Insurers: A Maximum Principle Approach

Shen, Y. and Zeng, Y. (2014). Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 57, 1-12.

Memory Encoding Processes in Young and Old Adults

Kuo, M., Liu, K., Bissett, M., Wesson, J., Tulliani, N., Bye, R. and Chu, L. (2014). Archives of Neuroscience, 2(2), 1-7. 

Management and Impact of Diabetes on Quality of Life Among the Lebanese Community of Sydney: A Quantitative Study

Mustapha, W., Hossain, S. and O'Loughlin, K. (2014). Diabetes and Metabolism, 5(1), 1-10. 

Health, Lifestyle and Gender Influences on Ageing Well: An Australian Longitudinal Analysis to Guide Health Promotion

Kendig, H., Browning, C., Thomas, S. and Wells, Y. (2014). Frontiers of Public Health, 2(70).