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Professor John Piggott discusses the economic and financial implications of increased longevity.

Professor John Piggott delivers the welcome address at the CEPAR public forum on the 2015 Intergenerational Report, 8 April 2015.

CEPAR Deputy Director Prof Peter McDonald presents a demographic perspective of Australia in 2050 at the CEPAR Public Forum.

Matt Crooke, Principal Adviser, Budget Policy Division, Fiscal Group, Treasury describes the process behind production by Australia's Treasury of the five-yearly intergenerational reports.

The first of the panel sessions at the CEPAR Public Forum featuring Prof Peter Whiteford (ANU), Sean Innis (Department of Social Services), Prof Hal Kendig (ANU) and Prof Philip Clarke (University of Melbourne).

The second panel session at the CEPAR Public Forum featured: Craig Dunn (Financial System Inquiry), Prof Hazel Bateman (UNSW), Ian Yates (COTA Australia) and John Fraser (Federal Treasury).

CEPAR held a public forum to improve public understanding of, and promote community discussion about, the impact of population ageing on economic growth, workforce participation and public financing to 2055.

CEPAR presented a rare opportunity to hear Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz at UNSW in July 2014.