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Associate Investigators

Associate Professor Joanne Earl

BEd Psychology Flinders University; BA Hon. Psychology Macquarie University; M. Psych UNSW; PhD (Organisational Psychology) UNSW

Associate Professor, School of Psychology, Macquarie University

Research Streams: 

Promoting successful ageing in the workplace
Promoting effective care outside of work 

Dr Inka Eberhardt Hiabu

BA Maastricht University, the Netherlands; MSc (cum laude) Utrecht University, the Netherlands; PhD, Behavioral Finance, Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Visiting Fellow, School of Risk and Actuarial Studies, UNSW Sydney, Australia

Research stream: 
Guiding Financial Decision Making

Dr Christine Eckert
Dr Christine Eckert

Diploma Mathematics, University of Kiel; Dr. rer. pol. Marketing, University of Frankfurt/Main

Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Technology Sydney

Research streams:
Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Image of Professor Hans Fehr
Professor Hans Fehr

Diploma in Economics, University of Regensburg; Ph.D. in Economics (Dr. rer.pol.), University of Regensburg

Professor of Economics, University of Wuerzburg

Research Streams:

Macro-Demographic Dynamics & Population Ageing Policy
Sustainable Well Being in Later Life

Denzil Fiebig
Professor Denzil Fiebig

BCom (Hons) MCom (Hons) UNSW; PhD University of Southern California

Professor, School of Economics, UNSW Sydney

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Dr Lisa Finkelstein

BA (Psych), University of Vermont, MS (Psych), Tulane University, PhD, (Psych), Tulane University

Professor, Department of Psychology, Northern Illinois University

Research streams:
Mature Workers in Organisations Survey
Promoting Successful Ageing in the Workplace
Promoting Successful Teams and Organisations
Promoting Effective Care outside of Work

Age Stereotypes; Age Meta-stereotypes; Age Discrimination

Dr Gwenith G. Fisher

BA (Psych), The Pennsylvania State University, MA (Psych), Bowling Green State University, PhD, Bowling Green State University

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University
Adjunct Associate Professor, Colorado School of Public Health

Research streams:
Mature Workers in Organisations Survey
Promoting Successful Ageing in the Workplace
Promoting Successful Teams and Organisations
Promoting Effective Care outside of Work

Retirement; Cognitive Ageing and Work; Occupational Health; Worker Well-being

Marylène Gagné

B.A., Psychology, McGill University; M.A., Social Psychology, University of Rochester; Ph.D., Social Psychology, University of Rochester

Research Professor, Future of Work Institute, Curtin Business School, Curtin University

Research stream: Organisations and the Mature Workforce

Dr Han Gao

BA(Econ), Nanjing University, China; MA(Econ), Duke University, USA; PhD, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, USA

Business School, University of Sydney

Research fields: macroeconomics, labor economics, and monetary economics.

Dr Len Patrick Garces

BSc Appl Mathematics, AB Economics, M Appl Mathematics, Ateneo de Manila University; PhD Mathematics, University of South Australia

Lecturer in Quantitative Finance, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Technology Sydney

Research streams:
Mortality and Morbidity Risk and Financial and Insurance Product

Stochastic analysis, stochastic mortality modelling, longevity risk, option and asset pricing, model uncertainty

Dr Fabiola H. Gerpott

Double PhD in Business Administration (Jacobs University Bremen, GER) & Organizational Psychology (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)

Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Research streams:
Promoting successful ageing in the workplace, Promoting successful teams and organisations, and Mature Workers in Organisations Survey

Intergenerational Learning; Age Diversity Management in Organisations; Knowledge Retention from Older Workers

Natasha Ginnivan
Dr Natasha Ginnivan

BSc Psych UNSW; PGDip Psych Macquarie University; PhD Australian National University

Research Assistant, NSW Inspector of Custodial Services

Associate Investigator, Ageing Futures Institute, UNSW Sydney

Research stream:

Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing

Alistair Gray
Professor Alistair Gray

BA (Hons) University of West Scotland; PhD University of Aberdeen

Professor of Health Economics and Director, Health Economics Research Centre, University of Oxford

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Bob Gregory
Professor Bob Gregory

B Commerce University of Melbourne; PhD London School of Economics

Professor Emeritus, Australian National University

Research stream:
Macro-Demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life