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Associate Investigators

Kim Kiely
Dr Kim Kiely

BLibStudies (Hons) University of Sydney, PhD 

Lecturer, Statistics and Data Science, University of Wollongong 

Research streams:
Expectations and the Ageing Experience

Dr Kaja Kierulf

BSc, Economics and Business Administration, Norwegian School of Economics; MSc, Applied Physics and Mathematics, Norwegian School of Science and Technology; MSc, Economics and Business Administration, Norwegian School of Economics; MA, Economics, University of Minnesota; PhD, Economics, University of Minnesota (Expected)

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Economics, UNSW

Research Stream: Macro-demographic dynamics and population ageing policy; sustainable wellbeing in later life 


Dr. Pei-Chun Ko

B.Ed., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan; M.A., Sociology, National Chengchi University, Taiwan; MSc., Sociology and Social Research, Utrecht University, The Netherlands; Ph.D., Economics and Social Sciences (Sociology; magna cum laude), University of Cologne, Germany

Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Monash University

Research stream:
Macro-demographic Dynamics and Population Ageing Policy

Dr Dorien Kooij

MA University of Amsterdam; PhD Vrije University Amsterdam

Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Studies, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University

Research Streams:
Mature Workers in Organisations Survey, Promoting Successful Ageing in the Workplace and Promoting Successful Teams and Organisations

Dr Scherazad Kootar

BSc Life Sciences and Biochemistry, University of Mumbai, India

MSc Life Sciences - Neurobiology, University of Mumbai, India

Doctorate in Science, Cellular and Molecular Interactions, University of Cote D’Azur, France


Research streams:

Stream 4- Social determinants of successful ageing

Stream 2- Identifying individual and social influences on decision making at older ages 

Cagri Kumru
Dr Cagri Kumru

BA Dokuz Eylul; PhD Pittsburgh

Associate Professor, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life


Dr Jong-Wha Lee
Dr. Jong-Wha Lee

BA, MA Korea University; MA, PhD Economics Harvard University

Professor of Economics, Korea University

Research stream:
Macro-demographic Dynamics & Population Ageing Policy


Dr Han Li

BCom (Hons) University of Melbourne; PhD, Monash University

Associate Professor, Centre for Actuarial Studies, Department of Economics at the University of Melbourne.

Research stream:
Mortality and Morbidity Risks

Dr Junhao Liu

B.S. Statistics and Mathematics, University of Hong Kong; M.S. Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge; PhD Risk and Insurance, University of Wisconsin 

Investment strategy analyst, Vanguard Australia

Research Streams: 

Identifying Individual and Social Influences on Decision Making at Older Ages 
Guiding Financial Decision Making 

Dr Vanessa Loh

Bachelor of Liberal Studies International; Honours, Psychology; PhD Psychology, The University of Sydney.

Associate Lecturer, University of Sydney Business School

Research Streams:
Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing
Organisations and the Mature Workforce
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Simen Markussen
Dr Simen Markussen

BEc, MEc, PhD, University of Oslo

Senior Research Fellow, Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo, Norway

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Ramona Meyricke
Dr Ramona Meyricke

PhD University of Cambridge

Research stream:
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Dr Moyra Mortby
Dr Moyra Mortby

BSc, MSc Keele University; PhD Psychology University of Zurich

NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Fellow, School of Psychology UNSW and Neuroscience Research Australia

Research Streams:
Decision Making, Expectations and Cognitive Ageing
Sustainable Wellbeing in Later Life

Professor Andreas Müller

Diploma in Psychology, University of Leipzig; PhD Technical University of Munich

Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Research stream:
Organisations and the Mature Workforce