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Research Publications

Longitudinal Associations between Body Composition, Sarcopenic Obesity and Outcomes of Frailty, Disability, Institutionalisation and Mortality in Community Dwelling Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project

Hirani, V., Naganathan, V., Blyth, B., Le Couteur, D., Seibel, M., Waite, L., Handelsman, D. and Cumming R.G. (2016). Age and Ageing. In press (available online December 2016).

First Impressions Matter: An Experimental Investigation of Online Financial Advice

Agnew, J.R., Bateman, H., Eckert, C., Iskhakov, F., Louviere, J., Satchell, S. and Thorp, S. (2016). Management Science.

Evaluating and Using Observational Evidence: The Contrasting View of Policy and Epidemiologists

O’Donoughue, L.J., Kelly, P.M., Cherbuin, N. and Anstey, K.J. (2016). Frontiers in Public Health

Caregiving and Mental Health among Workers: Longitudinal Evidence from a Large Cohort of Adults in Thailand

Yiengprugsawan, V., Leach, L., Berecki-Gisolf, J., Kendig, H., Harley, D., Seubsman, S. and Sleigh, A.C. (2016). Social Science and Medicine - Population Health, 2, 149-154. 

A Longitudinal Examination of the Relationship between Cannabis use and Cognitive Function in Mid-life Adults

McKetin, R., Parasu, P., Cherbuin, N., Eramudugolla, R. and Anstey, K.J. (2016). Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 169,134-140. 

Improving Fidelity of Translation of the Stepping On Falls Prevention Program through Root Cause Analysis

Mahoney, J. E., Gobel, V. L., Shea, T., Janczewski, J., Cech, S., & Clemson, L. (2017). Frontiers in Public Health.

Exercise for Preventing Falls in Older People Living in the Community. (Protocol)

Sherrington, C., Tiedemann, A., Fairhall, N., Hopewell, S., Michaleff, Z., Howard, K., . Clemson, L. & Lamb, S. (2016). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

Sex and Age Trends in Australia's Suicide Rate over the Last Decade: Something is Still Seriously Wrong with Men in Mid and Late-life

Burns, R.A. (2016). Psychiatry Research, 13(245), 224-229. 

Sarcopenic Obesity and its Temporal Associations with Changes in Bone Mineral Density, Incident Falls and Fractures in Older Men: The Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project

Scott, D., Seibel, M., Cumming, R.G., Naganathan, V., Blyth, F., Le Couteur, D., Handelsman, D., Waite, L. and Hirani, V. (2016). Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. In press (available online November 2016).