Bernd Genser and Robert Holzmann
Pension policy reforms across the world in recent decades are a reaction to the changing demographic and socioeconomic environment.
Bernd Genser and Robert Holzmann
Pension policy reforms across the world in recent decades are a reaction to the changing demographic and socioeconomic environment.
Jukka Lassila and Tarmo Valkonen
We study transitions from EET tax regime to TEE regime in a defined-benefit pension scheme with a numerical overlapping generations model, using stochastic mortality projections as inputs.
Christian Keuschnigg
The gains in life expectancy are expected to double the dependency ratio and increase population by 10% in Switzerland until 2050.
Torben M. Andersen
How should pensions be taxed? In many cases pension savings are usually taxed more leniently than other forms of savings. What is the rationale for this? And are those concerns best targeted via taxation or mandatory pension savings?
George Kudrna
This report summarises the results obtained by Kudrna (2015) for the effects of hypothetical changes in the existing taper rate of the Age Pension income test.
George Kudrna and Chung Tran
This study quantifies the macroeconomic and welfare effects of three proposed fiscal measures to eliminate Australian government budget deficits and to reduce public debt by 2030, namely: (i) temporary income tax hikes; (ii) temporary consumption tax hikes (increases in the GST rate); and (iii) temporary transfer payment cuts.
Hal Kendig, Kate O’Loughlin, Rafat Hussain, Karla Heese and Lisa Cannon
Attitudes to Intergenerational Equity: Baseline Findings from the Attitudes to Ageing in Australia (AAA) Study. This paper reports preliminary findings and methodology from the 2009-10 baseline data from the national Attitudes to Ageing in Australia (AAA) survey in the context of related national and international literature.
Mengyi Xu, Michael Sherris and Ramona Meyricke
Insurers and pension funds provide life annuities and pensions that are impacted by both aggregate mortality improvement and individual mortality heterogeneity. Aggregate population mortality trends have shown significant improvement over long periods of time.
Erik Hernæs, Simen Markussen, John Piggott, Knut Røed
We exploit a comprehensive restructuring of the early retirement system in Norway in 2011 to examine labor supply responses to pension reform strategies that rely on changes in work incentives (flexibility) or access ages (prescription), respectively.