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Research Publications

Age-dependent risk aversion: Re-evaluating fiscal policy impacts of population aging

Poonpolkul, P. (2023). The Journal of the Economics of Ageing. 26, Article 100474

Use of Antihypertensives, Blood Pressure, and Estimated Risk of Dementia in Late Life: An Individual Participant Meta-Analysis

Lennon, M.J., Lam, B.C.P, Lipnicki, D.M.,Crawford, J.D., Peters, R., Schutte, A.E., Brodaty, H., Thalamuthu, A., Rydberg-Sterner, T., Najar, J., Skoog, I., Riedel-Heller, S.G., Rohr, S., Pabst, A., Lobo, A.,, De-la-Camara, C., Lobo, E., Bello, T., Gurege, O., Ojagbemi, A., Lipton, R.B., Katz, M.J., Derby, C.A., Kim, K.W., Han, J.W., Oh, D.J., Rolandi, E., Davin, A., Rossi, M., Scarmeas, N., Yannakoulia, M., Dardiotis, T., Hendre, H.C., Gao, S., Carriere, I., Ritchie, K., Anstey, K.J., Cherbuin, N., Xiao, S., Yue, L., Li, W., Guerchet, M.M., Preux, P.M., Aboyans, V., Haan, M.N., Aiello, A.E., Ng, T.P., Nyunt, M.S.Z., Gao, Q., Scazufca, M., and Sachdev, P.S.S. (2023). JAMA Network Open. 6(9), Article e2333353

The Pros and Cons of Remaining in a 401(k) Plan after Retirement

Mitchell, O.S., Reilly, C. and Turner, J. (2023). Financial Services Review. 31(1), 1-21

Attitudes and perceptions of advance care planning among Chinese-speaking older Australians

Yeoh, L., Rhee, J., Tan, B., and Sinclair, C. (2023). American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine. 

CogDrisk, ANU-ADRI, CAIDE, and LIBRA Risk Scores for Estimating Dementia Risk

Huque, H., Kootar, S., Eramudugolla, R., Han, S.D., Carlson, M.C., Lopez, O.L., Bennett, D.A., Peters, R., and Anstey, K.A. (2023). JAMA Network Open. 6(8), Article e2331460

Advance care planning in Australia: Progress in research and implementation

Sinclair, C., Mann, J., Reymond, E., Sansome, X. (2023). Zeitschrift fur Evidenz (ZEFQ): The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Healthcare. 180, 111-114

Hiring on Vocational Interests to Simultaneously Improve Validity and Organizational Diversity

Wee, S., Newman, D.A. and Su, R. (2023). International Journal of Selection and Assessment. 31(4), 504-508

A Study of New Labour Market Entrants’ Job Satisfaction Trajectories during a Series of Consecutive Job Changes

Zhou, Y., Zou, M., Wu, C. H., Parker, S. K., and Griffin, M. A. (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology

Early Pension Withdrawals in Chile During the Pandemic

Fuentes, O., Mitchell, O.S. and Villatoro, F. (2023). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. 1-26