Craig Blackburn, Katja Hanewald, Annamaria Olivieri and Michael Sherris
This paper assesses the impact of longevity risk management on insurer shareholder value and solvency for an annuity portfolio.
Craig Blackburn, Katja Hanewald, Annamaria Olivieri and Michael Sherris
This paper assesses the impact of longevity risk management on insurer shareholder value and solvency for an annuity portfolio.
George Kudrna, Chung Tran and Alan Woodland
In this paper we develop an overlapping generations (OLG) model that incorporates non-stationary demographic transition paths to study the dynamic fiscal effects of demographic shift in Australia
Ramona Meyricke and Michael Sherris
We assess the costs of longevity risk management using longevity swaps compared to costs of holding capital under Solvency II.
Shang Wu, Ralph Stevens and Susan Thorp
Using survey data on subjective survival probabilities over a range of target ages and from an array of age cohorts, we estimate individual subjective scalings of population mortality probabilities.
Daniel H. Alai, Zinoviy Landsman and Michael Sherris
This paper applies a multivariate Tweedie distribution to incorporate dependence, which it induces through a common shock component.
Loretti I. Dobrescu
This paper develops a dynamic structural life-cycle model to study how heterogeneous health and medical spending shocks affect the savings behavior of the elderly.
Katja Hanewald, Thomas Post and Michael Sherris
We study the optimal product choice of home equity release products from the homeowner's perspective in the presence of longevity, long-term care, house price, and interest rate risk.
Hal Kendig and Nina Lucas
Social change in Australia over the post WW II era -including increasing prosperity, massive immigration, and increasing public support - has brought overall improvements in intergenerational relationships and outcomes for older people.
Joelle H. Fong, Adam W. Shao and Michael Sherris
We apply generalized linear models to evaluate disability transitions for individuals in old age based on a large sample of U.S. elderly.