Zhou, Y., Zou, M., Wu, C. H., Parker, S. K., and Griffin, M. A. (2023). Journal of Applied Psychology.
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Research Publications
Fuentes, O., Mitchell, O.S. and Villatoro, F. (2023). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. 1-26
Gostautaite, B., Liuberte, I., Parker, S. K., and Buciuniene, I. (2023). Academy of Management Discoveries, Special Research Forum: The Human Side of the Future of Work.
Luong, R., Ribeiro, R.V., Hirani, V., Simpson, S.J., Le Couteur, D.J., Raubenheimer, D., and Gosby, A.K. (2023). Public Health Nutrition. 26(12), 3023-3037
Gisev, N., Buizen, L., Hopkins, R.E., Schaffer, A.L., Daniels, B., Bharat, C., Dobbins, T., Larney, S., Blyth, F., Currow, D.C., Wilson, A., Pearson, S.A., and Degenhardt, L. (2023). JAMA Network Open. 6(8), Article e2328159
Hamilton, M., Kwok, W.S., Hsu, A., Mathieson, S., Gnjidic, D., Deyo, R., Ballantyne, J., Von Korff, M., Blyth, F. and Lin, C.C. (2023). Pain. 164(3), 485-493
Chu, K.Y., Wright, F.A.C., Naganathan, V., Stanaway, F., Tran, J. and Cockrell, D. (2023). Special Care in Dentistry.
Horneff, V., Maurer, R. and Mitchell, O.S. (2023). Journal of Risk and Insurance. 90(4), 831-860
O’Keefe, P. and Yiengprugsawan, V.S. (2023). In: Rajan, S.I. (ed.). Handbook of Aging, Health and Public Policy. Springer, Singapore.